About us

1a-voices.com Voice Recording Services & Voice Over Talent AgencyWe are an international team of professional native voice actors, journalists and native translators from the audiovisual media industry.

Most of our professionals feel completely at home in at least two cultures (some being bilingual) and bring added value to every project.

At 1a-voices we are masters in the art of voice communication.
We pride ourselves in over 20 years’ experience in the industry.

The message you wish to transmit comes across as authentic and effectively reaches your target audience.

Connecting with your audience

First Rate Voices
First Rate Equipment
First Rate Planning
First Rate Results

Katia Borrás Zimmer
Tal, 44
80331 Munich

DE: +49 (0)89 61 51 22 01
DE: + 49 (0)172 810 55 54

ES: +34 649 278 563
ES: +34 971 75 40 69

International V.A.T. #: DE189572017

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Managing Director
Katia Borrás